Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Zebra Party Table Covers


I thought it appropriate to open a complaints section, several violations and other abuses.

In these times of "Environmental Taliban" whose sole purpose is to apply prohibitions without rhyme or reason as the only means of protecting nature.

This desire to protect, protect whom, for people who love nature, respect and enjoy.

Well, I will not go deeper into the sludge, it is an issue we have tried countless times and so far has not led to positive things.

The place in question the Coto del Valle Hotel ****

This newly built hotel close to the Sierra Benidorn (Arroyo Frio), has a source consisting Tuff, I fail to understand the method to achieve have been used to appear out of nowhere these tuffs that other sites need a lot of years to form.

may have been genetically cloned outside jokes have obviously been plucked from somewhere to put them in such a beautiful fountain.

But of course this is not an attack on nature, especially by leaving money, canyoning are infinitely more evil.

Let everyone draw their own conclusions.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Angela Rutledge Swimsuit


a machine is any mechanism capable of transmitting the action of a force from one place to another in general changed the magnitude of the force while retaining the same amount of work done.
the force applied to the machine power is called the driving force (f)
force must overcome the machine is called the load or resistance (q)

mechanical advantage (VM)

is the ratio between the resistance and the driving force of a machine, ie.

mechanical advantage = resistance / force applied
vm = q / f
mechanical advantage vm = q =

resistance = applied force
* the mechanical advantage is the most important feature in the performance of a machine.
* if the mechanical advantage is greater than 1 (vm> 1) gives a gain of strength, but if the same or less than 1 (vm
* There are two types of mechanical advantage:

is obtained under ideal conditions of operation of the machine is, without friction or problems within the device.


is obtained in reality when the machine operates is always less than the theoretical mechanical advantage due to construction and operation factors (such as friction)

PERFORMANCE OR EFFICIENCY a machine is the ratio of mechanical advantage teoricay practice their formula is:
e% = MPV / vmt x 100


are those whose construction is elementary, using the basic principles of the mechanics to be simple machines, the joint utilization of these machines can be more complex which was studied only in special cases, the main simple machines are:


rrigida is a bar which can rotate around an axis called support point or fulcrum.
lever torque takes effect in his own end to produce a similar movement in the opposite where the load or resistance.
the relationship that exists between the levers is:
force applied by your arm = arm resistance

fp = Qq

f = applied force p = length of arm strength Q = f

load resistance or q = length of load arm
Q = arm mechanical advantage of the applied force / resistance arm
vm = p / q
p = length of arm strength
p q = length of arm strength
Q exixte
three types of lever. GENRES


first-class lever

interfulclares also called as the fulcrum is between the applied force and resistance. the vm can be higher, lower or equal to 1. depending on the position of the fulcrum.



second-class lever

also calls interresistivas is between the fulcrum and the applied force as p> q, the vm is always less than 1



third grade lever

interponentes also called as the force is between the fulcrum and the resistance, as p> q , vm be always less than 1




is a wheel that can rotate freely around an axis, whose fluted edges passing a rope or cable.

pulleys can move loads attached to the ends of a rope passing through them, when stretched at the other end of it, there are pulleys of various types, which may have a gain mechanical advantage


this subject or hung from a fixed point, the force applied at the end of a rope is passed entirely to the other shows no gain advantage mecanica(vm=1) sin embargo no obstante utiles para cambiar la direccion de aplicacion de la fuerza en la cuerda.


esta compuesta por una cuerda atada a un eztremo a un punto fijo, y en el otro extremo se aplica la fuerza motriz, su ventaja mecanica tiene una ganancia del doble(vm=2) tambiem se puede unir seguido a la polea movil, una polea fija para mayor comodidad en la aplicacion de la fuerza.


son un conjunto de poleas fijas y moviles, which can obtain higher values \u200b\u200bin the mechanical advantage, there are two main ways.

VM VM = n = 2

n = total number of pulleys n = total number of mobile pulleys

Friday, April 10, 2009

How Long To Boil Metal To Sterilize


FRIDAY 10/04/2009

The ravine provided for Friday 10 was the den, one of the most beautiful and spectacular in the area.

After one of these magnificent breakfasts Pepa prepares us, that makes you want to go back to bed to digest what you weigh the stomach, we got to work with the combination of cars.

Pelacanyons Amancio and had done the previous day had warned us that carry water, but when we arrived and saw the reservoir was to stop, the eyes were "Chiribitos."

So was the dam ... a candy dot

was at its tip, and was not carrying as much water as when they did Moni, Jaime, Jesus Salgado and JJ Chema June 1, but enough to have a great time.
R1 and R1 'and gave an idea of \u200b\u200bhow much fun it would be. Carmelo

"premiering" the Osera that day



R1 Mary smiling

R1 Raúl

Carlos, Me and Paki: "3 in a row" in R1 and R1 '

Soon after, the R2, which alone had no water.

Jesus out of R2

Moni impressive view out of R2

The sky was very cloudy, and increasingly gray as we approached the waterfall 130 m (R4 and R4 '). Just before the head is a pool that is impossible to avoid the worst for the following wait, because you get STIFF

Poza of c. ... that leaves you frozen just before the top of the waterfall

how many times you do the den, the arrival in the head never fails to impress.

.. Damn!, How high is it!!

View from the header. The hull is Raul

At the head wind blew so strong that raised the water from the waterfall to give the impression that it was raining. When we got to the division, we saw completely blown away, the wind moved the cascade of 67 m to the right bank, putting it horizontal, so that the water disappeared from the rappel line and appeared in the wall on the right ... I swear .... SPECTACULAR. Natasha

inside the cave where estça fractionation cascade (R3')... but bug face !!!!!

sequence of how the wind levantava the waterfall, until they were horizontal and the water kept running down the rappel

Jesus hallucinating to see the water cascading down the wall fell on the right

a servant, rising to division

Carlos Lowering the second tranche of the cascade (R3 ')

Carmelo at the base of the cascade of 130 m


The cold is about the long waits prompted Moni, Caramel and Natasha decided not to make the bottom (although I believe that what they heard was the call of beers that were in the car!).

The rest move on. And it was worth it, because the Lower Osera estaba absolutamente preciosa.

Las formaciones de toba son increíbles; en alguna zona forman cuevas en las que entran los rápeles.

Jesús en la cueva

Paki entrando en la cueva

Una cascada tras otra, destrepe tras destrepe y, para colmo, empieza a llover.... y poco después... a nevar.... y minutos más tarde... ¡¡¡¡a granizar!!!!. En éste punto María decidió salir por la senda hasta el coche (la llamada del “licor de cebada” es irresistible...).

Jesús y Paki en rappelling which "escaped" Mary


The rest of "morons" we go forward, and the reward was great because after a while came a splendid sun with which we reach the end of the gully and the car.

"4 in a row" in the penultimate rappel: Jesus, Paki, I and Raul

I down the last rappel. JJ down in the pool

The team ended the integral, Raul absence makes the photo

We deployed the stall and ate like Marquis.

flagellating Jesus as Good Friday plays a

Mary, or eat less chocolate or change your bathing suit neoprene!!

From there to pick up cars. Before we turn to a recently opened Carmelo ravine. As he told us, is a real cane, so hopefully that will lead us soon to know.

During the trip the weather We continued to make gifts: a beautiful snow with the sun even more beautiful that we were actors did a story of enchanted forests.

snowflakes on a cold sunny afternoon

Visit the bar for direct and Pepa and John's house, where we said goodbye to Caramel.
As usual, the den not let us down.