Monday, March 14, 2011

Side Effect Of Restyl 0.25

celebrate in 2011 the International Year of Chemistry , 63, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly, under the slogan: " Chemistry: our life, our future ." It also marks the centenary Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Marie Curie therefore no longer an opportunity to celebrate and highlight the contributions of women to science
From the earliest times with the use and control of fires, with the preparation of the first alloy of the history, chemistry has been present in the development and evolution of humanity and just look around to see who is everywhere: our body, the clothes we wear, what we eat, everything is made of matter consisting of molecules. In short, everything is " Chemistry: our life, our future ."

However, the educational administration remains committed to maintaining the science away from the Elementary and Secondary Education. It has been five years since the APCCC saw the light and, although it may seem otherwise a look at the booths, science teaching are feeling the same problems we denounce in 2006: No spaces or material to develop practical activities in primary education. The labs are closed on High, for lack of time and teachers to teach splittings, which does not happen in other regions. Moreover, the Andalusian students 15 years get the worst scores in the PISA tests, at the State level, there are fewer scientific vocations and our students entering university with a poor scientific training. Finally, the schedule is insufficient scientific subjects in secondary and inferior to the rest of Europe, with optional at 4, holding an absurd gap between Arts and Sciences is creating a high scientific illiteracy.

Our goal, as an association, is improve scientific culture of citizens and for this, we demand a greater presence of science in our schools and colleges. To achieve this, we have proposed to the Education Authority in the following steps repeatedly, to no avail:
  • Provide resources and spaces with primary schools to carry out scientific experiments.
  • Reduce the number of students in all areas of Teaching Secondary or establish splittings of practice, as in many Autonomous Communities.
  • increase to three sessions weekly schedule of the subjects of Biology and Geology / Physics and Chemistry of 3 º ESO, separated for the purposes of evaluation. Include
  • Science as compulsory subjects in 4 º ESO, with two levels of depth, depending on the difficulties of students.
  • Set as mandatory on 1 st of Bachelor of Science and Engineering, the subjects of Physics and Chemistry and Biology and Geology, to get a solid scientific background of all students, regardless of further studies. Encourage
  • itineraries
  • 2 of Bachelor of Science and Engineering to allow the student to access the first course of the Schools and Colleges with basic training in all scientific areas.



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