Saturday, January 17, 2009

Location Of Dongle For Guitar Hero Ps3

CASTRIL 17 to 18 January 2009

I , only intended to make Castril ravines with water and only
finished making them.

is true that I tried to find partners for this weekend, but it was impossible, I overcame the urge to take these cliffs with water that common sense which, as already shown in me is the most common of my senses.

just had this time, since for the 31 that is scheduled, to me is impossible.
do not copy this way to gullies, since it is not advisable, however long that takes into this sport, but if you decide to do should keep in mind several aspects.

1 - Failure to do so, this is the most important
2 - Install a simple and easy to retrieve
3 - Carry spare strings, if we have trouble
recovery 4 - Comply strictly alert protocol When someone input and output peak hour and of course, the name of the ravine.
5 - No hurry, trying to be as focused as to avoid any slip or fall.

Saturday January 17 Murcia
I left at 6 am, as I approached the Puebla de Don Fabrique, the views were spectacular snow Sagra.

Stop in Fatima to take a room at the Hostal el MaƱo F1o +
I enter the park and I go to the Barranco de la Pipe The first part is dry, as they have diverted the water, but soon receives a contribution of gully pits Moreno and maintains flow to the end.

The second is a precipice of the Magdalena , entering through the chain and up until the penultimate rappel, has flow throughout its length.

Camping Next stop the Cortijillo to regain strength as it's 2 pm, and from there to the precipice of Vulture also has flow all the way, here once deployed the rope and not returned to pick up the end of it, was very nice with water.
First rappel
Poza handrail before
Penultimate rappel

Barranco I also went to the Bowling , but only to check the flow and from the bridge was noted that the first abseil was the pool filled with water.

Sunday 18 January

this morning to a stunning cold when I left the car, this was completely white, plus my throat was a bit touched.

I walked to the precipice of Tunis, it was my choice, but gave up due to climatic conditions and the mine, yet I approached the exit, making sure that water was not falling for the last rappel
This is cold face

picked tackle and turned, giving around all sides of the Sagra
reviews gullies that appear here


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