Thursday, November 20, 2008

Internet Dongle Hacks

Circuit Electrical Circuit Images

circuit is called a series of elements or electrical or electronics, such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, sources, and / or electronic devices, semiconductors, electrically connected to each other for the purpose of generating, transporting or modify electrical or electronic signal.

Parts of a Circuit:

to analyze a circuit must know the names of the elements that comprise it. Here are the most common names, as exemplified by the circuit shown in Figure 1.
• Connector: thread of negligible resistance (ideally zero) that electrically connects two or more items.
• generator or source: element that produces electricity. In the circuit of Figure 1 there are three sources, one of intensity, I, and two voltage, E1 and E2.
• Node: a point of a circuit where you attend several different drivers. In Figure 1 there are four nodes: A, B, D and E. Note that C has not been taken into account as it is the same node A in the absence of potential difference between them (VA - VC = 0).
• Rama: The set of all elements of a circuit including two consecutive nodes. In Figure 1 are seven branches: AB by the source, R1 AB, AD, AE, BD, BE and DE. Obviously, for a branch can only drive a current.


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