¡Vádesvos cagar en Cristo!
Trad.: We are going to shit in Christ
This curious expression was received by José Miguel Aboriginal Viveiró when asked about the seven jumps of Silan. This happened last summer when we went to kick the high Landro.
This Saturday we went back to give this stretch of river, with the news that accompanied us Crossman, the rest of the team were Celso, José Miguel and the author of this story.
After boarding the river seemed that water was very happy which surprised us all that it had rained, although being in the birth of the child could understand. First steps
showed that I had the spotlight twisted, with individual songs rollover bite at the end of the steps. The third bite the Mamba suffered only when we let go of the boat by a river diversion to face the pace of the elbow from a different path than usual. Here Pepe, flipped and swam not find the bow of Jose Miguel "in extremis", as well explained the deceased when he saw the bow of the Micro saw God;)
The fall went quiet until the first fall, which of course I had to get me to open the thorn from last time. This time I followed the perfect path Boof doing good and avoiding "me" stone. Celso and Jose Miguel (twice) also made plummeting over every time but hit the stone. (I may be the only one who has an appreciation).
The ramp is given a good scare to José Miguel and it landed too close to a rock in one of the cut. I ate a catch on a slipstream at the beginning of the ramp coming Candeleto but controlled enough to face all the way with guarantees. Pepe
met again with the bow of God in the previous step to the second jump, which undermined the moral will to do it and I got Prijon Cross. Indeed, a large boat that at first he only found two flaws: the absence of walls (whatever they say you are missing) and a very high side that give you the feeling of being buried in the kayak, but otherwise has a very good performance, especially emerging in the jumps, which also corroborated José Miguel. How
the third time's the charm, Pepe finished swimming in one of the last steps of Landro high after finishing in ties and continue browsing backwards and upside down.
few more small steps take us to the usual landing, where we stopped to share a chocolate because in theory we had just over a mile of river open. In our explorations summer remembered about "cups" the odd hop and
trap rocks ... I returned to the river, carrying a dozen meters to avoid disturbing a fisherman and not long before we lose the river view. It was a leap from two to three meters, but a notch on the right side showed no major problems.
Then came the cups where both José Miguel and I were to throw a rope that had fallen to Freire Brothers. The first two slides were followed by a leap where we had to stop and we found serious problems for landing. We got out on the left bank, to move a few feet and discover a fairly powerful stream of water that led directly to a kettle, which we did not see it just below so we decided to portage. To cross, threw me to swim Primoy insured. A Pepe stood on a ledge on the right bank (the only option out of the water) and then we were passing the material. Once on the other side we find that the move was likely making a socket for the jet to land on the outside of the pot. José Miguel used to probe and seeing that Celso was unhurt and I followed him. Meanwhile, Pepe decided to carry all the gun because he had high graduation.
Next, according to Jose Miguel that he had looked, was a ramp with a very strong drosaje right but perfectly feasible on the left. He opened it, and I watched as Celso disappeared from the horizon, we follow but we are both a cut in both the ramp and just sucking the octopus, Celso left worse off by not wearing elbow pads and I fell on my side taking a good shake.
A few little strokes Pepe and we went back to get off the kayak to look at us a long ramp in which narrowed the river, half of it had a mattress strong enough, at the entrance to one of the ugliest siphons I've seen in my life followed by unclear and paved section. Celso opened, resolved very well in the maze path, burying his head in the mattress, turning to play maracas in the slipstream and leave at the end unscathed. José Miguel and I followed him but Machín emulate the loop.
From here the gradient ramp and still lose a few hundred meters from class III to sail of against against up to a former prisoner. Beware the next step that has a pretty ugly tree trap, but sod at avoidable failure. From this offset (in fact we did) carry all because the river divides into two branches, which are a series of steps are unclear and another trap formed by a huge tree. In the reunification of the two branches of the river to embark and disembark one last little step just past an old bridge.
then struck a half-hour walk climbing up the hillside. After leaving the forest (some lovely deciduous trees and soil clean enough), crossing occasional barbed-wire fence came to a meadow area where you have to remember to close the fences that go through to prevent livestock from escaping . Here Pepe gave us a lesson as it went much better than us (note that is used to portage).
The descent took us a total of six hours in addition to the final little walk. We did not have a second part as sugarcane and the barrel is all class V and can be very committed If swim (which added nothing as whole). The assurances were complicated by the slipperiness of the banks (polished granite) and the verticality of the same. Anyway well worth a yes on the bridge of the reference board is the socket facing upstream to the left, which should hover over one quarter out of the water.
know that this river has very little since this summer will end the two mini and then going to have to rain to win so they can navigate these sections: (
The Xestosa already have their prey list and now she must be working. It seems incredible that one could destroy an entire ecosystem like a river in name of development sustainable and is neither sustainable nor anything, benefiting only the constructors and the operator of the mini-through grants that are rivers that carry water more than two or three months a year. Salu2
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