Thursday, January 25, 2007

Daigram Of Pir Sensor

El -Alberchekayak en el Ulla

This weekend I presented at the Alberchekayak Galicia Javi and Miguel accompanied by Jon (aka The Two Towers) a pair of rookies of no little importance.

I was with them on Saturday Register to download the Herbón Ulla and pace as much as were the rookies. The mishap did not drop a couple of swims Miguel, I guess due to fatigue of the journey. At the end of the descent were pounding a little Eskimo.

On Sunday he played the Deza theory below but, as we had done in the end we went to Ulla mythical.

picked to Alberche in Carballo and took them through the deep Galicia to the center of the universe, say of Galicia) there in Melide, we met a good troop formed by Peteiro, Yago, Juan, Celso, Thomas, Carlos, both locals and the entering into this blog.

Upon arrival to the navette, we have a peculiar aboriginal including mowing, Charles did not hesitate to strike up a conversation with the bird and ended up getting a snapshot:

The river had a normal water level, serving the first metros para calentar sin ninguna incidencia destacable.


El primer pasito un poco más remarcable es un talud que divide el río en dos alturas, siendo lo recomendable saltarlo a derechas llegados al final del mismo. Los dos novatos se colaron de espaldas por la izquierda pero sin sufrir mayores consecuencias.

De espaldas ;)

The river level is rising slowly alternating pools separated by single steps with ramps longer among them is a pleasure slalom. At the end of one of them stuck a swim Jon no great importance. After emptying, clung to a log to enter the kayak, this broke and caught Carlos in the head giving him shaken. The black legend of mythical Ulla was already starting to work.

Pena's arrival marked a porter do Muíño widespread, except Thomas Creek to take the step faced with refinement that characterizes it.

The action Germany

A wavelet that he encountered along the way for a couple of entries but no great figures also plan does not take half an hour playing while people are not falling and getting cold.

Celso The phenomenon

In the last third of the trail are marked further steps, highlighting one in which there is to tweak the entry for not going to fall in stone. We all had more or less cleanly, except Michael, who turned at the reception. I tried to help straighten the boat bringing you mine but there was no way. I finally released in time for me to end it quickly while just swimming.

Try eskimo ...: D

After this little setback we started the descent again to reach the final step. A jump of about eight feet featuring a pot right bitch. After getting off to look at the dance began, opening Carlos while the rest took out pictures and made sure. Thomas and Celso also went smoothly, but the slipstream Peteiro sent him to the pot, hence back to slipstream and then spat it out to be. The following preparation was Jon, taking a blow to slip in the limo on the way to kayaking. As an image better than a thousand words would urge readers to you to take a look at the video entitled "deceased to Madrid" for you to see what happened ;)

all the lost time after mounting the device to rescue the trapped material in the kettle, he pointed out to Miguel that was better than its bearer, John and Yago also decided on that option. Javi and I throw it over without problems solved.

Celso gum jump

From here a few paddle strokes brought us to the tail of the reservoir Portodemouros where he played after landing climbing a steep slope to reach the cars. Javi was surprised because the latter is used to disembark bar doors Alberche: O

After loading everything in the van of Charles, rode Melide to give a good account of a table sausage and octopus.

A black é fame:)



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