Monday, September 28, 2009

Gay Masterbate Movies

ESCIVE 2009 at the Algarve

Blanca Ruiz

tells his experience of the Scientific Summer breaks in Faro (Portugal):

One day in class the teacher said something in a scientific course .. . Truth does not pay much attention to the issue and was something that looked very out of my possibilities. Given time to deliver a short questionnaire, and I decided, therefore, what could you lose?
Fill the questionnaire and delivered on time only three girls. After that came another short questionnaire. This was already too complicated, especially the part "What era would you have liked to live and why." That question was like ... no .. the it read and you said .. I do not fuck! To see what I can put me here! Luckily I had always clear what situation I would have liked to live, but it was difficult to express. Because, see, the Edo Period (Japan) and is difficult to understand in itself, if you try to explain above why would you have liked to be there .... the truth that it took me home in escribirlo.En told me not excite me that it was very difficult to be scientific stay, they would very few. Supported me, but were not sure.
deliver the three questionnaires to the teacher and did not know anything about them until a month later, I mysteriously got to see the resolution of the call in ESCIVE website and found my name and my companion Minerva there ... What happiness god! Something that I thought would not go, that spending the summer in a lab doing something you love only happens on TV. Anyway, since my name was there, right? theoretically and go, or at least who whose that possibility. I thought I would not until he arrived on July 11, I prepared the case because 15 had to be in Faro (The Algarve, Portugal).

My project was called "In Search of the microscopic eggs of marine animals" and called me enough attention. I was super nervous at 6 had to be at the Inn, when I got there was Andreia, the coordinator, waiting. Arrived, greeted and told us about what to do.

When I got to the room accompanied by Jose (A grenade kid was going to do another project: "Gen X") and Catia (Portuguese girl, your project is called "Under My Skin"). I was so nervous I did not talk with almost anyone, but in seconds, since I'm so nervous, I could not shut up and started talking to Jose and Catia. Then came the other fellow Laura, Diego and Catarina would sleep that night all together. And there we were doing and understand in a super sophisticated language, including English-French-Portuguese-English
-Gallego (For Diego Gallego said that was like the Portuguese, as he was from A Coruña as ale!).

The first night we got the deck of cards, of course! And I started talking to everyone and break the ice a little because there were all too shy. We play cards, it was a mess because the deck was English, but not the same game in Galicia, Jerez, Cordoba, Granada, however as is the name. Laura then explained in English, a game they had played all but differently. Begin to deal cards face:
-Laura, Are not six cards?
"No, five.
"But to see what do we play?
The Portuguese side looked us have no idea what we talked about. That was a mess of just laughing as if possessed ... above all when Joseph tried to explain his game in English and released his "INDECENTRE." Anyway ...

The next day we taught the University and two other girls met Ruth and Susan, who also have projects there. We shared by laboratories and projects and I stayed with Susan and Catherine with the project "In Search of the microscopic eggs of marine animals" Laura was with Catia the project "Under my skin", Diego Ruth "fattening of reproduction: how to grow the fish? ". In my lab

behaved great with me, I did not know Portuguese So there were all from the head to the coordinators of the laboratory, making it the consistent understanding. My friends who were Portuguese also helped me a lot. It was a fantastic experience that I recommend to everyone. Not only for what you learn science, but by the things you bring these people with whom they live 15 days, are things you can not pick up otherwise. Also, do something you like and you will serve in the future like always. So if you have the opportunity not miss this opportunity.
If I could, I would return. The only bad science of the whole stay was the farewell .. I did not want to stop.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fin Out The Real Salieri Relation Ship

ESCIVE 2009 in UAM SETI detects

Minerva Caamaño wanted describes her experiences in the Summer Science breaks in 2009, after spending a week and n the campus of the UAM. This is his diary of the ESCIVE:


Monday 5 July: I arrived in Madrid, there Atocha station Javier I received a ESCIVE monitors. We took the subway and then we come to school in May, we were the first so we got down to work and investigate the whole school. Little by little they were getting all the other colleagues, on this first day almost no one spoke and could be clearly distinguished Portuguese and English on one side to another but with the time and language was an impediment or anything because we just together.

Tuesday July 6: We had a presentation at UAM "Autonomous University of Madrid" in which formed part of the university president, the coordinator of ESCIVE (Ana Belts) , Homer and James would be the teachers of communication skills, all teachers who would class and some other officials of the activity.

Then we had a kind of communication techniques, this class taught us to communicate both orally and in writing, make a presentation to someone, to present argument for or against ...

also had a kind of educational activities which was to prepare a theater where you had to represent something referred to our project, my group the M.1 "I have this way because evolution made me this way" we choose to do a debate which was presented to Darwin (I did it) and Lamarck in a debate on how they could see the differences in their theories using the contents of the cases.

had These classes are every day except the weekend.

And in the evening we went to the "forest of sculptures" and dinner daily and leisure.

Tuesday, July 7: At last we had the first class with our teacher of zoology "José Luis Viejo" in this first class we dissected of a crab, first recognized all external parts, and then proceeded to open the crab with the instrumentation were lucky because our project was before the break and we could use that half hour to continue with the class but we had us all eating the sandwich hurry.

In the afternoon we went to see Library National liked me because we saw the whole history of writing and books.

Wednesday July 8: He played the dissection of a fish from my point of view was more interesting because not only based on open a crab or a fish but also to know where it came from or because it moves so or as in my case I chose a species turbot has no symmetry and single storey so it was interesting but also difficult to study because almost nothing of what the teacher said corresponded with my fish, also was the best day because it was antenna 3 and the final end out on the news and in the afternoon we went to the anthropological museum liked me because I took a picture with the Lady of Elche.

Thursday, July 9: It was also an interesting class because with binoculars and bird guide in hand we went to a class of ornithology for the campus, as in learned a lot of other classes such as swallows, swifts differentiate, different types of peaks and utilities and much more, we were able de ver urracas, cuervos, varios tipos de rapaces...

Por la tarde teníamos actividad deportiva y nos llevaron a la piscina del campus que era grañidísima.

Viernes 10: La clase con el profesor era para las dudas del proyecto de actividades divulgativas pero en vez de eso utilizamos la clase para que nos explicaran las diferentes teorías evolutivas.

Por la tarde fueron mis compañeros al museo Reina Sofía pero yo no pude ir porque no me dejaron ya que el día anterior me había torcido ankle.

Saturday July 11: In the morning I could not go to walk through the withdrawal but in the afternoon if I already decided to go with my companions to anthropology museum crutches because I left.

At night, a professor at the UAM was to put a film about cloning stem cells.

Sunday July 12: We went to MNCN (National Museum of Natural Sciences) Darwin, this visit was the one I liked and was also guided by what we enjoyed most of the museum. When we reached the hall we were rehearsing our theater of educational activities we had fun because we provide wigs to better identify the characters.

Monday July 13: It was the day to present theater that much time and effort had cost us was breathing an atmosphere of anxiety in all groups but in the end was a success and we laughed a lot with most of them, after having given all the Dean gave us a certificate to each and declared closed the third edition of the scientific stay ESCIVE summer 2009 and then had a little debriefing session. At night we made a farewell party with dance music, we were all happy but we knew that this meant the end of the stay.

simpatiquísimos The Portuguese were very talkative because some knew enough English, so thanks to them end up learning English some Portuguese, after the party we all were writing dedications in a shirt that had given us.

never forget this experience because I also know I have lots of friends.